Report Distracted Driving

Students can submit reports of exactly where they have witnessed distracted driving. “Decide to Drive” wants everyone to submit reports on a distracted driver that they’ve seen! We all need to assume responsibility for driving safety. Visit the Decide to Drive website to learn more about the program, to submit distracted driving reports, and to… Continue reading Report Distracted Driving

Teen Driver Safety Week

Promote, Teen Driver Safety Week in your school! This National Teen Driver Safety Week material is sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The campaign focuses on educating young drivers on safe driving. For more information please visit:

VR Day

Host a virtual reality day for your school! Experience various virtual reality simulations related to traffic safety. Provide by industry leaders such as Tennessee Trucking Foundation, SADD, Tennessee Highway Safety Office, and LIFT. See more at TTUiCube.

Distracted Driving Banner

Receive a banner to hang up and promote no texting while driving in your school! This distracted driving banner is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The campaign focuses on warning young drivers against the dangers of distracted driving by providing factual information regarding the consequences of texting and driving. For more information on… Continue reading Distracted Driving Banner