Sticker shock

Our youth went to a couple of our gas stations and put stickers on the beer. They inform the buyers that it’s illegal to buy or give alcohol to children and who are under the age of 21.

Slow Down Tennessee

At the first home football game, cheerleaders held and posted Slow Down Tennessee signs to encourage students, parents and fans to drive safe on campus and upon leaving campus.

Distracted Driving

The Distracted Driving posters have been posted at the Hardin County High School by the Guidance Counselors Office on the main hall, by the cafeteria, by the vending machines, and by the Drivers Ed classroom. Drivers Ed teacher shared and will be sharing with all of his Drivers Ed classes.

SC Youth Council Takes On Distracted Driving

SC Youth Council, with support from their Sevier County Health Department advisors, setup a distracted driving simulator for students during lunch.

Teen Drive Jeopardy

In class we had some extra time, and so we played Teen Jeopardy. It really was great fun, and we were surprised how many answers we knew. And we were surprsied how many answers we did not know.

Hands Free TN Banner

Current quarter Driver’s Education class hung a hands free TN banner in the parking lot!

Click it or Ticket Banner

Current quarter Driver’s Education class hung up a Click it or Ticket banner in the parking lot!

Slow Down TN Banner

Current quarter Driver’s Education class hung up a slow down TN banner in the parking lot!

Seat belt Selfie 6

Arrive Alive Tour

The Arrive Alive Tour was at Union City today. This simulator was all about teaching the dangers of texting and driving. Please don’t text and drive!