Have a special guest speaker in mind! Would you like to receive points for hosting a special guest speaker at your school? Here is a way to receive points! Click here to see a list of potential speakers.
Have a special guest speaker in mind! Would you like to receive points for hosting a special guest speaker at your school? Here is a way to receive points! Click here to see a list of potential speakers.
Sign Up:
Contact the guest speaker you have in mind who can discuss some aspects of teen driver safety and invite them to speak at your school. Need a guest speaker for your next event? Click here to view a list of speakers.
Host a special guest speaker at your school on a teen driver safety topic. Points will be awarded based on the topic(s) covered.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”
Sign Up:
Contact the guest speaker you have in mind who can discuss some aspects of teen driver safety and invite them to speak at your school. Need a guest speaker for your next event? Click here to view a list of speakers.
Host a special guest speaker at your school on a teen driver safety topic. Points will be awarded based on the topic(s) covered.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”