
Mock Crash
Mock Crash


1000 Points
1000 Points

Host a Mock Car Crash at your school.

The goal of a mock crash event is to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths involving younger drivers and their passengers by using visuals to demonstrate real-life consequences. It’s important for mock crash coordinators to invite parents to the event.

Host a Mock Car Crash at your school.

The goal of a mock crash event is to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths involving younger drivers and their passengers by using visuals to demonstrate real-life consequences. It’s important for mock crash coordinators to invite parents to the event.

Sign Up:

Connect with school groups such as SADD, FFA, 4-H, HOSA, or other traffic safety organizations to get started. Setting up a Mock Crash can involve many different groups in the school. Consider talking with the drama club, cosmology, and others at your school.


  1. Click here to view a complete guide
  2.  Work on obtaining community support from local law enforcement and medical professionals, as well as local media members.
  3. Gather student volunteers to help implement the mock crash.
  4. Set a date, time, and location that is conducive to the entire region, including multiple schools/districts.
  5. Set up the wrecked car and victims.
  6. Have local law enforcement and paramedics demonstrate what happens when they arrive on the scene after an impaired driving crash. Ask them to arrest the impaired driver and strap the victims to a backboard or pronounce them dead, and cover them with a sheet.
  7. Discuss the event. Elicit comments from the people who performed the emergency services, friends, and family of the “deceased,” and participants who witnessed the event.

Submit Points:

Have a photo ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.

Sign Up:

Connect with school groups such as SADD, FFA, 4-H, HOSA, or other traffic safety organizations to get started. Setting up a Mock Crash can involve many different groups in the school. Consider talking with the drama club, cosmology, and others at your school.


  1. Click here to view a complete guide
  2.  Work on obtaining community support from local law enforcement and medical professionals, as well as local media members.
  3. Gather student volunteers to help implement the mock crash.
  4. Set a date, time, and location that is conducive to the entire region, including multiple schools/districts.
  5. Set up the wrecked car and victims.
  6. Have local law enforcement and paramedics demonstrate what happens when they arrive on the scene after an impaired driving crash. Ask them to arrest the impaired driver and strap the victims to a backboard or pronounce them dead, and cover them with a sheet.
  7. Discuss the event. Elicit comments from the people who performed the emergency services, friends, and family of the “deceased,” and participants who witnessed the event.

Submit Points:

Have a photo ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.





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