Promote, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® at your school!
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® links students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, TV, movies, music, or from friends. It was launched in 2010 by scientists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to stimulate educational events in communities so teens can learn what science has taught us about drug use and addiction. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism became a partner in 2016, and alcohol has been added as a topic area for the week. NIDA and NIAAA are part of the National Institutes of Health.
Promote, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® at your school!
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® links students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, social media, TV, movies, music, or from friends. It was launched in 2010 by scientists at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to stimulate educational events in communities so teens can learn what science has taught us about drug use and addiction. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism became a partner in 2016, and alcohol has been added as a topic area for the week. NIDA and NIAAA are part of the National Institutes of Health.
Sign Up:
Complete the activities as outlined on the website. Share and post at your school. Post the infographics (or make your own) in a high school common area (Ex: cafeteria, lobby, athletic venue) or digitally share on social media, email, school digital signs, or other media.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”
Sign Up:
Complete the activities as outlined on the website. Share and post at your school. Post the infographics (or make your own) in a high school common area (Ex: cafeteria, lobby, athletic venue) or digitally share on social media, email, school digital signs, or other media.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”