
The Arrive Alive Tour
The Arrive Alive Tour


300 Points
300 Points

UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour uses a high-tech simulator, impact video, and a number of other resources to educate individuals and communities about the dangers of texting while driving, drugged driving and impaired driving. The simulator allows participants to experience, in a controlled environment, the potential consequences of distracted driving and/or driving while intoxicated. We are very excited to have launched the only Marijuana Driving Simulator in the country!

UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour uses a high-tech simulator, impact video, and a number of other resources to educate individuals and communities about the dangers of texting while driving, drugged driving and impaired driving. The simulator allows participants to experience, in a controlled environment, the potential consequences of distracted driving and/or driving while intoxicated. We are very excited to have launched the only Marijuana Driving Simulator in the country!

Sign Up:

Participants get into an actual vehicle (with battery disabled and car immobilized) and put on a virtual reality headset. Sensors are connected to the vehicle’s gas/ brake pedals and steering wheel, enabling the participant to experience impaired/ distracted driving without the real-life consequences. To schedule a presentation call 888-436-3394 or email Patrick DeGrasse.


Request an event at your school. Take photos and videos during the event.

Submit Points:

Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”

Sign Up:

Participants get into an actual vehicle (with battery disabled and car immobilized) and put on a virtual reality headset. Sensors are connected to the vehicle’s gas/ brake pedals and steering wheel, enabling the participant to experience impaired/ distracted driving without the real-life consequences. To schedule a presentation call 888-436-3394 or email Patrick DeGrasse.


Request an event at your school. Take photos and videos during the event.

Submit Points:

Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”





Union City High School

Unicoi County High School

South Fulton High School

Obion County Central High School

Sycamore High School

Sevier County High School

Union City High School

Unicoi County High School

South Fulton High School

Obion County Central High School

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