Move Over. Slow Down. In 2016, the Tennessee Department of Transportation lost three workers in the line of duty. All three were struck by passing motorists. Those tragedies bring the total number of TDOT lives lost to 112. TDOT doesn’t want to lose another member of their family.
Move Over. Slow Down. In 2016, the Tennessee Department of Transportation lost three workers in the line of duty. All three were struck by passing motorists. Those tragedies bring the total number of TDOT lives lost to 112. TDOT doesn’t want to lose another member of their family.
Sign Up:
Take the pledge. Raises awareness and share with your classmates. Get the movement going! To learn more visit TDOT.
Find creative ways to spread the message and get others involved! Get Social! Share your experience on social media using the #WorkWithUs.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”
Sign Up:
Take the pledge. Raises awareness and share with your classmates. Get the movement going! To learn more visit TDOT.
Find creative ways to spread the message and get others involved! Get Social! Share your experience on social media using the #WorkWithUs.
Submit Points:
Have a photo or screenshots ready with students completing the activity and click “Submit Points.”