Activity Submission Form
If you do not see your school listed, scroll to the bottom to get it in our system! To activate school and receive school kit - include shipping information!
Enter the name of your event.
What school are you submitting an activity for?
Please select the activity you've completed. If you are unsure or the activity is not listed, please select Unsure.
Tell us about how students prepared for this activity? How were students involved and impacted? What were the best components about this activity?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
If you have any additional attachments that you would like to include, please upload them here.
When did you complete this activity?
Did one of the above organizations assist with this activity? Let us know which one(s)!
Such as, local partners, law enforcement, clubs, etc.
Such as: Were The Instructions For This Activity Clear?